As Chinese students are increasingly competing with students from around the world for admissions to top international universities and, later, for jobs at top international companies, more and more students are choosing options for full-time education beyond those traditionally available.
In order to help students excel in this new, highly competitive global economy, New Oriental provides the following private school offerings:
For Primary and Secondary Students
Beijing New Oriental Foreign Language School at Yangzhou
Established in 2002, the Beijing New Oriental Foreign Language School at Yangzhou has a capacity of 4,000 students. With its founding, New Oriental completed the first step in realizing its vision of establishing a network of elite private schools to prepare students for acceptance to top universities in China and around the world.
The Yangzhou school's highly specialized curriculum gives our students a distinct advantage from the outset. In Grades 1 and 2, all English classes are taught by foreign teachers, with a focus on improving oral English, and our accelerated Chinese literacy program enables students to read and write at a sixth-grade level in just two years.
As in primary school, students in high school are also immersed in a combined curriculum that includes the rigor of the full Chinese curriculum complemented by a strong emphasis on English. In high school, students also have the opportunity take courses preparing them specifically for studying abroad for university.
In addition, the Yangzhou primary and secondary schools both feature a wealth of specialty courses that give our students the opportunity to pursue interests beyond the classroom that stimulate creativity and develop positive character traits. Currently, the school has more than 60 specialty courses including oration, martial arts, gymnastics, swimming, dance, musical instruments, calligraphy, painting and pottery.
For Pre-School Students
We established our pre-school business with the opening of “New Oriental Star” branded kindergartens in Beijing, Nanjing, Yangzhou and Xian.